Master Square Foot Gardening Asparagus: Your Complete Guide.

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of square foot gardening asparagus? In this comprehensive guide, I will share tips, techniques, and benefits for growing this delicious crop efficiently in your square foot garden.

Master Square Foot Gardening Asparagus: Your Complete Guide.

Asparagus is a perennial crop that thrives in square foot gardens. To successfully grow asparagus, it is crucial to choose a sunny location with excellent drainage. Proper spacing, soil preparation, and care are essential factors for successful cultivation.

Key Takeaways:

  • Asparagus is a perennial crop that can be grown in a square foot garden.
  • Choose a sunny location with good drainage for planting asparagus.
  • Proper spacing, soil preparation, and care are crucial for successful asparagus growth.
  • Harvest asparagus in the third year after planting.
  • Control common pests like asparagus beetle with insecticidal soap or organic insecticides.

Getting Started: How to Grow Asparagus in a Square Foot Garden

Before you start planting asparagus in your square foot garden, it’s important to choose a sunny location with good drainage and prepare the bed properly. Asparagus is a perennial crop that requires a dedicated area to thrive. The first step is to create a square foot gardening asparagus bed, ensuring it is well-suited for the specific requirements of this delicious vegetable.

To prepare the bed, dig a V-shaped trench that is approximately 6 inches deep. This trench will allow the asparagus crowns to be properly planted and spaced. Place the crowns in the trench, ensuring they are 6 inches to 1.5 feet apart, depending on the soil type and available water. Once the crowns are in place, cover them with 1/2 inch of soil initially.

Asparagus should not be harvested until the third year after planting, as this allows the plants to establish a strong root system. During this time, it’s important to keep the bed weeded and mulched to suppress weed growth. Mulching also helps retain moisture and regulate soil temperature. Additionally, pruning the ferns in the fall and fertilizing the bed in the spring will promote healthy growth and a bountiful harvest.

Proper Spacing and Maintenance

When growing asparagus in a square foot garden, it’s essential to consider the spacing between plants. The recommended spacing for asparagus is 6 inches to 1.5 feet apart, depending on the soil type and available water. This ensures that each plant has enough room to grow and develop without competing for resources. The spacing may vary slightly depending on the variety of asparagus being grown, so it’s important to read and follow the specific instructions for the chosen variety.

In addition to proper spacing, maintaining the square foot gardening asparagus bed is crucial for successful growth. Regular weeding is necessary to prevent invasive weeds from competing with the asparagus plants for nutrients and water. Mulching the bed with organic materials, such as straw or wood chips, can help suppress weed growth and retain moisture in the soil.

By following these guidelines and providing the necessary care and maintenance, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious asparagus from your square foot garden!

how to grow asparagus in square foot garden
Key Points:
Choose a sunny location with good drainage for your square foot gardening asparagus bed.
Prepare the bed by digging a V-shaped trench and spacing the asparagus crowns 6 inches to 1.5 feet apart.
Ensure the crowns are covered with 1/2 inch of soil initially and be patient, as harvesting should not begin until the third year.
Maintain the bed by keeping it weeded, mulched, and properly pruned.

Care and Maintenance of Square Foot Gardening Asparagus

Once your asparagus plants are established, proper care and maintenance are crucial for a bountiful harvest. In this section, we will explore the ideal time to harvest, the importance of soil quality, and the benefits of companion planting for your asparagus bed.

Harvesting Square Foot Gardening Asparagus

Knowing when to harvest your asparagus is essential for enjoying its fresh and flavorful spears. For square foot gardening asparagus, the general rule is to wait until the third year after planting before harvesting. This allows the plants to establish strong root systems and ensures a sustainable crop for years to come.

When the asparagus spears reach around 6-8 inches in height, it’s time to start harvesting. Snap or cut the spears at ground level, being careful not to damage the emerging buds that will develop into ferns. Harvesting should continue for approximately 6-8 weeks, or until the spears become thin and woody.

Soil Quality for Square Foot Gardening Asparagus

The quality of your soil plays a significant role in the success of your asparagus bed. Asparagus thrives in well-drained soil with a pH level between 6.0 and 7.0. Before planting, amend the soil with organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure, to improve its texture and fertility.

Soil Requirements for Square Foot Gardening AsparagusIdeal Range
Soil pH6.0-7.0

Regular soil testing is recommended to monitor and adjust the pH levels and nutrient content of your soil, ensuring optimal conditions for your asparagus plants.

Companion Planting for Square Foot Gardening Asparagus

Companion planting is a technique used to enhance the health and productivity of plants by strategically pairing them with compatible companions. In the case of square foot gardening asparagus, certain companion plants can provide beneficial effects, such as repelling pests, attracting pollinators, or enriching the soil.

Consider planting tomatoes, parsley, or basil near your asparagus bed. Tomatoes can help repel asparagus beetles, while parsley and basil attract beneficial insects that prey on pests. Marigolds and nasturtiums are also great companions for asparagus, as their flowers attract pollinators and their roots release natural compounds that deter pests.

square foot gardening asparagus harvest

By following these care and maintenance practices, you can ensure a thriving square foot gardening asparagus bed that produces abundant, delicious spears for your enjoyment.

Pest and Disease Control for Square Foot Gardening Asparagus

To ensure the health and vitality of your square foot gardening asparagus, it’s important to be aware of potential pests and diseases. In this section, we will discuss the most common pest – the asparagus beetle – and explore organic methods to control its population. This beetle, also known as Crioceris asparagi, is a small, oval-shaped insect that feeds on asparagus foliage and can cause significant damage if left unchecked.

square foot gardening asparagus beetle

The asparagus beetle has distinct black and yellow stripes on its body, making it easily recognizable. It lays eggs on the asparagus plants, typically on the leaves and stems, which hatch into larvae that feed on the foliage. If left untreated, the infestation can weaken the plants and reduce their overall productivity.

Fortunately, there are organic methods you can use to control the asparagus beetle population. One effective option is using insecticidal soap, which is a natural and non-toxic solution that can be sprayed directly on the affected plants. The soap disrupts the beetles’ cell membranes, causing dehydration and ultimately killing them. Another organic approach is the use of neem oil, a botanical pesticide derived from the seeds of the neem tree. Neem oil acts as a repellent, preventing the beetles from feeding on the asparagus plants.

Organic insecticides for asparagus beetle control:

Product NameMain IngredientFeatures
Natural Guard Spinosad SoapSpinosad– Organic and OMRI listed.
– Kills adult beetles and larvae.
– Safe for beneficial insects.
Monterey Garden Insect SpraySpinosad– Contains spinosad, a natural insecticide.
– Controls a wide range of pests.
– Safe for use on edible crops.
Garden Safe Insecticidal SoapPotassium salts of fatty acids– Kills a variety of insects, including beetles.
– Can be used up to the day of harvest.
– Suitable for organic gardening.

It’s important to regularly monitor your asparagus plants for signs of beetle activity and take action as soon as you spot any. By implementing these organic pest control methods, you can keep your square foot gardening asparagus healthy and thriving.


Congratulations! You now have a comprehensive understanding of square foot gardening asparagus and how to grow it efficiently in your own garden. By following the techniques and tips shared in this guide, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious asparagus year after year.

Asparagus is a perennial crop that thrives in a sunny location with good drainage. When planting in a square foot garden, ensure that the plants are spaced adequately, ranging from 6 inches to 1.5 feet apart, depending on your soil type and available water.

Remember to plant your asparagus in a V-shaped trench and initially cover them with 1/2 inch of soil. Patience is key, as asparagus should not be harvested until the third year after planting. During this time, it is essential to keep the bed weeded and mulched to suppress weed growth.

To combat the common pest known as the asparagus beetle, you can utilize insecticidal soap or organic insecticides for effective control. Be sure to cut back the ferns in the fall and fertilize the bed in the spring to promote healthy growth.

When it comes time to harvest your asparagus, remember to snap or cut the spears at ground level for the best results. With proper care and maintenance, your square foot gardening asparagus will continue to reward you with its delectable flavors and nutritional benefits for years to come.


Q: Can asparagus be grown in a square foot garden?

A: Yes, asparagus is a perennial crop that can be grown in a square foot garden.

Q: What are the requirements for growing asparagus in a square foot garden?

A: It is important to select a sunny location with good drainage for growing asparagus in a square foot garden.

Q: How should the asparagus plants be spaced in a square foot garden?

A: The asparagus plants should be spaced 6 inches to 1.5 feet apart, depending on soil type and available water.

Q: How should the asparagus plants be planted in a square foot garden?

A: The plants should be planted in a V-shaped trench and covered with 1/2 inch of soil initially.

Q: When can asparagus be harvested in a square foot garden?

A: Asparagus should not be harvested until the third year after planting.

Q: How should the asparagus bed be maintained in a square foot garden?

A: It is important to keep the bed weeded and mulched to suppress weed growth. The ferns should be cut back in the fall, and the bed should be fertilized in the spring.

Q: What is the most common pest that affects asparagus in a square foot garden?

A: Asparagus beetle is the most common pest and can be controlled with insecticidal soap or organic insecticides.

Q: How should asparagus be harvested in a square foot garden?

A: Asparagus should be harvested by snapping or cutting the spears at ground level.

Ted Green

Author: Ted Green

Hello! My name is Ted. I am a programmer and an amateur gardener. My interest in gardening started during my childhood at my parents' country house. I created this website as a hobby project to share the knowledge I've accumulated over the years of gardening.
